(noticia) Dancing to the Music of Limited Time

Matthew Peyton
FLAMENCO AND FLAME: Kim Akhtar bought an apartment on East 95th Street for $425.000. She is a flamenco dancer. She is also Dan Rather's personal assistant and spokeswoman, and she is chief officer of a couture-storage facility and cyber valet called Garde Robe.
Published: May 22, 2005
KIM AKHTAR'S sultry, mostly blood-red apartment on East 93rd Street contains more than 1,000 books, alphabetized by author, from Ali to Zola. Her closet is similarly rigorously ordered and alphabetized, in this case from Armani to Versace. The kitchen? Spices and dry staples, like basmati rice and lentils, are packed in stainless-steel jars with handwritten labels, from allspice to turmeric.
In the drawers, undies march to a strict beat - "all lined up like soldiers," according to her husband, Duncan MacAulay - his boxers in their own regiment, and her garments, from evening bras to daytime ones, from thongs to G-strings (yes, there is a difference: G-strings are smaller), in another.
(leer +) [vía the newyork times]
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