miércoles, abril 26, 2006

(noticia) Dancing the Flamenco

Young Cuban girls dream of joining leading school
By: Anita Snow: Associated Press
Issue date: 4/26/06 Section: Opinions

HAVANA - Little Cuban girls fantasize about being flamenco dancers - strong, beautiful women in ruffled skirts and swept up hairdos, who evoke wondrous, thunderous magic by stomping their black strapped shoes.

In a country that gained its independence from Spain a little more than a century ago, the Spanish dance remains highly popular among young Cuban girls, in the same way ballet enthralls girls in the United States and tango in Argentina.

Still-thriving cultural societies formed by Spanish immigrants to Cuba represent regions such as Asturias and Andaluz and offer flamenco dance and other programs.

(leer +) [vía dailyillini]