miércoles, julio 19, 2006

(artículo) Flamenco Fire

By L. PIERCE CARSON, Register Staff Writer
Wednesday, July 19, 2006 1:15 AM PDT

Nearly a decade ago, Roni Benise was living "in the middle of nowhere" -- also known as Nebraska -- contemplating his options as a rock 'n' roll guitarist.

Self-taught and motivated to seek greener pastures by a failed relationship, the young musician relocated to Los Angeles.

It was there that he underwent a musical transformation. He heard Spanish flamenco guitar music wafting from a radio and "experienced an epiphany. I let it into my heart eight years ago and started on this journey."

The journey has brought him to a point where he's now considered a New Age flamenco guitarist/vocalist/sex symbol, a man behind a dazzling show of singers and dancers that incorporates the musical heritages of Spain, France, Africa, Egypt, Brazil and the Caribbean islands of Puerto Rico and Cuba.
(leer +) [vía register]

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