martes, agosto 01, 2006

(artículo) Brother-and-sister dance highlights flamenco festival

A flamenco performance opens this weekend, thanks to the efforts of the two people who launched Flamenco in the Sun.
Special to The Miami Herald

Putting on an arts festival post-9/11 is a mammoth task -- even five years later. One of the most challenging factors is obtaining visas for visiting artists. The cost, the red tape and turn-around time have increased considerably. It now costs an additional $1,000 per artist to expedite the application process -- a hefty sum for most nonprofit organizations.

''It's an enormous amount of work,'' said Mary Luft, founder and director of Tigertail Productions, which recently brought artists from Brazil and England to perform in the 28th annual Florida Dance Festival.

Tigertail's FLA/BRA, an annual festival that brings performers from Brazil, was a mainstay on the fall arts roster from 1995 until the events of Sept. 11.

Since then, it has been discontinued indefinitely.

(leer +) [vía miami herald]

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