(espectáculo) Bolero Flamenco, Ballet Teatro Espanol
By Jill Sykes. July 15, 2004
Thorn among the red roses ... Spain's Ballet Teatro Espanol performs Rafael Aguilar's

Photo: Steven Siewert
Ballet Teatro Espanol de Rafael Aguilar
State Theatre, July 13
Ballet Teatro Espanol de Rafael Aguilar has two outstanding male dancers. Francisco Guerrero and Fernando Solano are tall and lean with a fabulous long line of which Aguilar's choreography makes the most. Their characters - at least in what they dance - are different, but together they provide the strongest reason for seeing this company.
Rafael Aguilar, who founded it in 1960, died in 1995. His wife and co-founder Manuela died in 1998. So the continuity of his choreography is in the hands of Carmen Salinas, a dancer who was there at the start and became his assistant. What the large touring ensemble of 24 dancers presents is a living memorial to him - and that is the feel of the performance.
(leer +) [vía smh]
1 Comentarios:
hello, i am an englishman who lives in taiwan. i am going to see 'carmen flamenco' soon by the 'ballet teatro espanol', and i wondered if you knew of any places i could download a track or two before i go....
my blog is 'coldgoateyes'
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