jueves, diciembre 22, 2005


By Hannah Meyers

A flamenco teacher of mine once explained what to think when you dance: “I am the best!”

Gypsies, harshly oppressed under Spanish rule, demonstrated their pride and strength through flamenco song, music and dance. And still today, a fiery performer worth his tapas uses pride and pizzazz to elicit a strong response from the crowd. Fancy moves are impressive—but to be a flamenco star you also need a fierce attitude.

Two legendary men with very different ways of “being flamenco” stormed NYC last week: Compania Flamenca Juan Polvillo at Joe’s Pub and Pepe Romero at the 92nd Street Y. Both had the ‘tude.

A dancer out of Seville, Juan Polvillo let the house know why he was all that and then some.

(leer +) [vía new york press]