martes, febrero 21, 2006

(blog) Hoy nos dedicaremos a referenciar blogs

Hoy nos dedicaremos principalmente a referenciar blogs que de un modo u otro, traten o hayan tratado recientemente el tema del flamenco. Como veréis no hay demasiado.
Espero que os guste la selección!!

En este primero una foto preciosa de Mute, os aconsejo que lo visitéis, es un fotoblog muy interesante.

Something else a little different. I had the opportunity to photograph a dress rehearsal of the flamenco troupe 'Arte Flamenco' at the Habourfront Theatre.

I've never done anything like that before and it was quite challenging. The light was very low so fast primes and a high ISO were the only options. For this shot I used a sigma 20mm on a tripod and let the exposure run long to catch the movement. I have some more I might post over the next week.

Shot of the day: Daily Snap

(leer +) [vía Mute]