(noticia) Flamenco forensics

Philip Fine | A McGill professor has traced the history of flamenco music and come up with its rhythmic DNA. Godfried Toussaint has applied some cold calculations to the passionate and steamy dances of southern Spain and confirmed, with the use of some scientific tools, the origin of the celebrated music.
Analyzing the rhythmic pattern of Spanish music led Godfried Toussaint to the ancestor of flamenco.
He is not the first person to look into the history of the music and its inherent dance form known for its quick hand clapping, forceful foot-stamping accents and multiple acoustic guitars. Flamenco enthusiasts have for years designed historical trees that show the roots and branches of the various dances that have led to the flamenco we hear and see today. Toussaint, a professor in the School of Computer Science, is the first, however, to successfully trace its history using bioinformatics, the same computer calculations used by scientists to trace the evolution of various species.
(leer +) [vía mcgill reporter]
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