martes, agosto 01, 2006

(noticia) Pushing the limits: New World Flamenco Festival

DANCING DUO: Flamenco dancer Yaelisa and renowned tap dancer Savion Glover will perform together for the first time in Irvine.

Bringing together dancers from the Spanish frontier and flamenco's outer edges to the Irvine Barclay.
The Orange County Register

The theme of the Irvine Barclay Theatre's New World Flamenco Festival is "fronteras" – Spanish for "frontier" – a motif intended to encompass the word's literal and metaphorical meanings.

The second of the festival's three programs has been given a name all its own – "Sin Fronteras" or "Without Borders." Fans of experimental flamenco and tap dance probably won't care what you call it, though. The aim is to spotlight a tantalizing pairing: Yaelisa, the San Francisco-born, Spanish-trained flamenco dancer known for her detailed style, and Savion Glover, New York tap dance wunderkind who has matured into a groundbreaking artist.

Yaelisa and Glover intend to dance solo and appear together to both flamenco music – played live by Jason McGuire, festival music director and Yaelisa's husband – and, perhaps, to recorded jazz standards.
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