(noticia) A terrible beauty
January 13, 2007
Tiny flamenco maestra Eva Yerbabuena can be an imperious, almost frightening figure in the throes of her art, writes Sharon Verghis.
ON STAGE, EVA Yerbabuena is a small, explosive force of nature. Equal parts aggression and grace, she moves with such intensity - a kind of "solemn violence", as one dance critic memorably put it - that the eye can never relax.
I've just emerged from a performance by the dancer, the world's leading flamenco maestra, at the New Jersey Performing Arts Centre, and my head is still ringing slightly from the sound of her feet, clad in five-centimetre-high wooden heels, beating a tattoo - fast, faster, fastest - across the stage. She stands a mere 1.5 metres in her bare feet, I learn. It seems impossibly small for such a big presence.
(leer +) [vía the age]
tags: flamenco

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