(crítica) Belen Maya. The Miami New times. Luminous Moves

Belen Maya Garcia gets fired up
Postura, brazeo, vueltas, taconeo, compas. What sounds like the latest additions to the menu of your favorite tapas restaurant are actually Spanish words that stand for some of the basics of flamenco dancing technique: posture, armwork, turns, and footwork. It's a complex art consisting of dignified dancing, plaintive singing, and vital guitar playing that traces its roots back to the south of Spain in the 1700s and the downtrodden Jews and Moors who lived there. Flamenco looks surprisingly earthbound and easy from the audience perspective. However, strapping on the high heels and learning to convey fiery passion while stomping around the stage with skill and grace might be a different story altogether.
To help you fulfill your wannabe-dancer dreams, Flamenco in the Sun -- a two-week concert and workshop event co-presented by Miami Dade College's Center for Cultural Collaborations International, FUNDarte, and Broward-based dance company Bailes Ferrer -- will bring some of the world's renowned flamenco artists to Broward and Miami-Dade counties to pass on their knowledge as well as show off their moves. Children and adults can take part in seminars taught by a variety of instructors including Spanish dancing stars Jose Luis Rodriguez and Estrella Morena, musicians Pedro Cortes and Pepe de Malaga, singer-dancer José Moreno (son of Morena and de Malaga), and Bailes Ferrer founder/artistic director Damaris Ferrer.
(leer +) [vía miami new times. com]
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