domingo, junio 18, 2006

(artículo) Flamenco, Served Cold, Cute & Choreographed


June 15, 2006

Those who like their flamenco served caliente will be put off by "Burlador," the unorthodox new piece performed by Flamenco Vivo Carlota Santana on Tuesday night at the Joyce Theater.

The goal of the Madrid-based choreographer Rafaela Carrasco in "Burlador" is an unusual - some might say heretical - one: to soften the edges of flamenco and blend it with modern dance. Even more heretical is her choice of an original score by Jesus Torres and Pablo Suarez (Ms. Carrasco's husband), which includes a cello, a flute, and tempos not associated with flamenco. Indeed, as the score for "Burlador" moves between jazzy and New Age sections, the occasional rat-a-tat of flamenco heels seems like an afterthought, and the usually syncopated palmas are replaced by hands clapping a metronome-like downbeat.

(leer +) [vía the new york sun]