(noticia) Flamenco dancer champions Roma rights
Fundamental rights - 30-11-2006 - 10:36

photo montage of Joaquín Cortés
Joaquín Cortés urges support for Roma minority
The Roma population continues to be discriminated against and this week Spanish Flamenco dancer Joaquín Cortés, himself Roma, came to the European Parliament to seek support for Europe's largest minority. Mr Cortés met EP President Josep Borrell and MEPs.
Roma communities suffer discrimination in the fields of education, political representation and participation, housing and employment. According to the 2005 EU report on racism and xenophobia, "Roma are often stereotyped as criminals, the reality is that many Roma are victims of crime."
Mr Cortés told MEPs, "the main reason for my presence is that I am of Roma origin and my foundation is the initiator of the STOP ANTI–GYPSYISM campaign...I am here because I understood that this institution...is known as the champion of human rights in the EU."
(leer +) [vía european parliament]
tags: flamenco

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